Wednesday, 2 February 2011

A summary of last semester


  1. Hey Chris!

    I love the church of bacon! What can I say? Those are mad print skills my friend. I'm also living the eight foot glamazon loitering round Aberdeen.

    Maybe you should get into fashion illustration? hint hint, happy collaborator here.


  2. XD Such kind words, chuffed! I love fashion drawings they're my favourite! but i suck at them, have you got any on the interweb? But yeah mega collaberate and take the world by storm!

  3. I do now! I've put a few old ones up on the blog. weird. I have a blog. Ha!

    Thanks very much for becoming my first follower by the way! How on earth do I follow yours? I want to show some solidarity!

    Maybe a few of your sketches should make their way onto some bags or t shirts of mine?

  4. Awesome! I dont really know how you do following, I just stumbled across it =/. Michael Mcintyre follows me on twitter! Ooh my drawings on bags and t shirts would be sooo cool and an honor! I wouldnt wear any other t shirts in the name of shameless self promotion.

  5. yoyoyo, Hey I really like those drawings at the top!
    speaking of collaborating-> we should team up in a Fabio Moon & Gabriel Ba/ Jake & Dinos Chapman/ Tomer & Asaf Hanuka fashion bwoy.
    I'm sooo street.

  6. Thankyou very much, they're of the studio of your old Grays friend Heather Ross. And yeah teaming up in such a way is the future! west west yo
