Sunday, 4 December 2011

A wee taste of the Florence work

More of this (but at a more managable size, providing a unique and mind blowing centre piece for any living room. A hellova conversation piece where you will find something fun and new each time you gaze upon it, ask about our January sales. :D)

as above

lovely Florence


A very special peek into the notebook

Madonna with Child and two Angels by Filippo Lippi

Sacrifice of Isaac by Carvaggio

More lovely Florence


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Some of the watercolour portraits

Self Three

Self One


from 'Mr Richards' by Frank Turner

What price creature comforts, what is this life really all about?
He drew a line between work and living, and work was winning out
And he worked for half his life, to spend the end just feeling tired out
That's when he realised that he scrimped and saved all his precious days
So he could buy icers and microwaves
And he only looks forward to his holidays

That's when his roof caved in

And it would be nice to have holiday homes and healthy bank statements and fat little kids,
And I guess you can be happy to dream all your dreams as camcorder records of the things that you did,
But as soon as your sleeping does it really matter what mattress you happen to be sleeping on?
As long as your living and your having fun; he always laughed at the drop-outs, that he could never live that way.
But the truth is Mr Richards was a coward, he was afraid.

some degree show drawings

'Free Wine'
'The King is Dead'

'Suicide Note'

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sneak peak of the supermassive Babel picture in progress!!!

 My Everest
 Haven't counted how many people are in it so far...
 The trademark crap
 Think theres about 200 windows!
 Fox =)
 and a little bit sexy in places

 Just one of a few cameos
The whole thing as it was quite a few weeks ago

Friday, 1 April 2011

whats left on this computer

 The one Shell commended, printed by Mr James Vass; a genius of the printmaking world
 2nd Year Studio Portrait, kind of preminition
Mixed Media 

Saturday, 26 February 2011

The Edinburgh Pre Degree Show

 'Mr Dylan Has Gone Walkabout'

 '(The?) Walking Wounded' and 'The Church of Bacon'

Strangers admiring me drawing =) alongside Emma's work

Sadly the exhibition is to be unhung tomorrow but this little record of the event shall live on!